Quality assurance

Quality assurance

Supplying products of high safety and quality are of biggest importance for us, and therefore we continuously work to improve our traceability and quality assurance processes.

Traceability in the supply chain
Food and pet food supply chains are subject to strict traceability requirements to ensure consumer and pet safety. Through a sophisticated IT platform developed in accordance with these requirements, we ensure that raw materials and ingredients that have been in our possession can be traced back through the supply chain to their origin.

Quality assurance
Our product safety management systems are based on the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) approach, which is a systematic preventive approach to identify hazards to product safety and design measures to reduce these risks. This approach is applied from incoming delivery through production to outgoing delivery and encompass all activities including the handling, processing, storage and transport of raw materials and ingredients. Our production safety management systems are assessed and audited by external accredited certification bodies.