Effective use of all raw materials

Our daily goal is to find the right home for all animal protein raw materials
Besides increasing value in the meat and fish industries, our unique business concept also generates value for society as a whole. Our daily goal is to find the right home for all raw materials. To make sure that all premium quality animal protein is used in a sensible way. Not going to waste.
Since BHJ was founded, we have sourced and handled unused surplus raw materials from slaughterhouses and fish productions. We have continually upgraded these raw materials to create value for our clients.
To create value, you need to know where to source the right animal protein raw material, how to upgrade it and how to deliver it just in time to the clients in the relevant target segments. This is BHJ’s daily commitment to our clients.
Our daily goal is to find the right home for all animal protein raw materials
In our selected segments, premium animal protein materials are in high demand as ingredients and palatability enhancers.
It is in our DNA to be innovative and to use our specialist know-how to see new possibilities and unused potential, wherever they may be. To us, it is common sense. It increases value in our target industries, and it is a very important agenda in society as such. Definitely part of the solutions of tomorrow for all of us.