Upgrading raw materials

At BHJ’s technologically advanced processing plants around the world, we upgrade our animal protein raw materials to perfectly fit the needs of our clients. Our processing plants offer large-scale cold storage and freezing capacities.
Our plants handle and process many different species and many different kinds of meat and fish raw materials. We process to plate frozen blocks, meat blends and slurries, we emulsify and we deliver coarse ground products. We upgrade and process to highly advanced digests and palatants, and we offer top-quality fats.
Emulsified, ground or deboned products from BHJ’s processing plants follow strict specifications from the individual client.
Unprocessed animal organs such as livers, kidneys or lungs are delivered fresh or frozen according to the needs of our clients.
Fresh products are typically shipped in either reusable bins or bulk in tankers. Frozen products are palletized and all blocks are covered by pallet bags to protect the products. We also offer customized special packaging solutions.
With processing facilities and offices in Asia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, and USA, we are always near your production facilities for just in time delivery.
Besides our own processing plants, we also often handle the raw materials directly on-site in close cooperation with our suppliers. We offer many different ways of upgrading the raw materials and increasing value for our clients.