
General Disclaimer

This website is provided by LGI Denmark ApS, company reg. no. 28100892, Ulsnæs 33, DK-6300 Gråsten, and its affiliates (collectively the “LGI Group”). All information that may be accessed from this website is for general information purposes only, and may at any time be altered by the LGI Group without warning. While all reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information provided is not untrue or misleading, no entity in the LGI Group makes any representation or warranties, neither expressly nor implied, as to its legality, accuracy or completeness, and any use of the information accessed from this website is at the user's own risk and account. Neither the descriptions of, nor information on the application of, any products should be relied upon as a recommendation.

The information within this website is either owned by the LGI Group, or the LGI Group has a right to use it, and may not be copied, changed, modified or in any form altered, including in such a way that it may be assumed to derive from another sender than the LGI Group. The use of this website does not constitute any licence or permission of any kind to use or infringe any property or rights belonging to any entity in the LGI Group or to any third party, including any intellectual property rights (i.e. copyrights, trademarks, or patent rights of any kind).

No entities in the LGI Group accepts any liability whatsoever for any losses, whether direct, consequential, or otherwise, suffered for any reason or in any form, including personal or property damage, from the use of information accessed, downloaded and/or copied from this website, including through computer vira or other harmful data.

Product Disclaimer

The information given about our products is to the best of our knowledge true and correct. It is the user’s sole responsibility to make tests to ensure that the products are suitable and will work in the actual process and for the purpose it intends, and that the use of our products is in accordance with all applicable legislation.

Our products have been analysed in accordance with independent internationally approved methods, copies of which may be made available upon request. Specifications are based upon typical results from reference samples, and due to the nature of raw material, some natural variations may occur.

We acknowledge that the crossing of species can be either legally prohibited or ethically incorrect.  It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the products are used correctly and responsibly, and we do not accept any responsibility in this regard, including in relation to any disputes or complaints based on cross-species contamination in consumer end products.